Saturday, October 27, 2012

Well, This is Awkward

Soooooo.....Remember all those times when every time you log in to Facebook and you see a million pictures of all the girls you used to babysit taking kissy face pictures of themselves and posting them for EVERYONE to see. They get pretty good at their model poses, right? Well, I never did that as a teenager, or as a child, or as a young adult, or ever....until TODAY.

I just want to show you my Halloween costume I wore to our ward service project/party this evening. That is all, and I will never be doing this again. WARNING: I am awkward, so awkward. Feel free to laugh because I am laughing too. {Note: My hair looks awful because this was after standing outside in the wind for two hours.}

Please guess who I am. The last one is my favorite. Is it any wonder I am 25 and SINGLE. haha. I am dying laughing. :) I need to call up some teenager for some self portrait lessons!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Not to get all Young Womeny on you, but I've been thinking about this a lot. A LOT.

It's also the only video I could find of this song, so sorry :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hey there! I don't really have a whole lot to post about, but I don't want to leave the super negative post below as what people (all three of you) see when they look at my blog!

Things have been going pretty well. Work, studying, and sleep...the usual...keep me very busy. I am currently working on the Interim Assessment on the FAP Modules to get my A.S.A. These modules are the last thing I have to do get my become a credentialed actuary. Yeah, baby! I am READY! Please come to my A.S.A party when I get it. :) :) :)

I went to Austin again this past weekend because Daniel came into town. It was good to see all my family as always. The drive always kills me; four hours of bumper to bumper traffic gets me a little agitated! It was fun seeing Austin with him as well as relaxing at Jonathan and Wendy's house.

Lastly, here's a video tour of my apartment I think I promised I would post something. Enjoy. :) One day I'll buy bedding. ANDIT'SNOTWORKINGSOIWILLPOSTITLATER.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I am just really homesick today. :/ Does this ever get better?

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summer is Here!

Summer is here, and it is HOTTTT! Too hot. Here is a quick rundown of what I have been up to post EXAM C:

First, I jetted off to Colorado (as mentioned in my last post) where I got to eat DELICIOUS food like this:
OH MAN! My mouth is watering right now. I need this...right now...soooooo goooood.

Second, I went to Austin to visit this little missy...
While I was there I ate this taco...

and drank this slushie...believe me it was hot and nasty outside...
(this picture is sideways...sorry....not gonna fix it) ... but don't worry, I didn't get this slushie...

..I dare you to try it...a Pickle Slushie. yum....kidding...

Third, I got a new bedroom set yesterday. Here is a sneak peek. I love it...

Last, I went to about 30 minutes of church today...Why? Because it was on fire...

The sacrament meeting speakers were let off the hook! Lucky them :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy 4th!

Hey there fellow bloggers! It has been a while and I definitely have updates on my life. First off, I moved! It is great, awesome, fantastic, wonderful, splendid and any other positive adjective you can think of. Really. I love it! I will be posting pictures soon as I get my new bed. I bought a new bed! Woohoo! No more kid bed :) Second, I am sitting here on my parents' couch. Yep, I made the trek up to Colorado. I head back tomorrow :( It has been wonderful to spend time with the fam. Good to get away from the suffocating hold of the humidity in Dallas that sucks the desire to live right out of you for a couple days. In fact, there have been a few times while I have been here that I have felt the need for a jacket. Yes, I may be a wimp. Third, I am in the picture below. can you guess who I am? {hint: I am the fun one.}

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Recent Happenings....

Ok, ok, ok.

So I am done with my exam!


It was really hard; I thought I failed.

I passed. :)

No more exams for a while (as in at least a year).

I am soooooooooooooo excited!!!!!

This actually opens a lot of doors career it is wonderful...not that I'm looking for a new job...but I wouldn't be opposed to it...ahem...anyways....That's our little secret, ok?

My exam was on Thursday. Saturday morning I woke up to this little treasure.

I filed a police report...not sure what good that even did...they just filed it away. Anyways, the police officer told me to wear gloves when I cleaned up the thief's blood that was in my car...isn't that gross?...I guess he cut himself on something. You can see the blood in the picture above...there was also some on door, on the passenger seat, and by the gear shift. SICK. Apparently the guy wedged something through my passenger side door to get in. PUNK.

So what did this person get for all this trouble? thousand dollar gps/stereo/dvd player combo...yes, this is completely lame. This was actually already installed in the car by the previous owner when I bought that makes it a little trickier with the whole insurance thing...I took it to a dealership afterwards because my airbag light was on after I tried to drive airbags were unhooked when the guy was so carefully taking my gps (he left the knob in my car...I really hope it works well for him), so if I get in a crash, the airbags won't go off...yikes. Please no crashes. They said I would need to get a new dash because he broke some things in there too...:/

Oh yeah, he also got my Taylor Swift CD. He should listen to song number six.

I am wondering why he didn't take the Book of Mormon sitting on the passenger seat...the only other thing in the car...weird. 

I know this is just stuff. I am actually not devastated about this happening. I am, however, completely freaked out. I walked in to my place last night when it was imagination was KILLING me. So lastly...I am soon as possible....That was already in the plans...but it's definitely speeding up the process. :)