Sunday, February 27, 2011

What better time than now?!?!?

Why do we wait to improve ourselves?!?  Change can be hard and maybe that is why. I have a few things I want to change about myself (ok, way more than a few things). Now, why am I putting this off? There is not a good answer for that and a good excuse certainly does not exist. I've been thinking a lot about goals lately and what I want out of life. What's the point? Who do I want to be? Where do I want to go? With work getting increasingly frustrating, I wonder how I can enjoy each day. I would appreciate your input because I don't know at the moment. So here I go, I am starting today. Please let me know if you have any advice on this little thing called life. :) 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Bunch of Nothing....

Hello, hello! Not a lot has changed since the last update...still working tons (I spent an absolutely joyful 16 hours at work Friday....pulling up to my apartment at the oh so early hour of 11:40 pm)...still studying for MLC...learning equations like this...
You will be happy to find out that after five minutes of intensive and exhaustive investigative work, I found out the problem with my vacuum cleaner. Now, I know this has been on your mind, but you may now sleep at night. I broke the belt ... I may or may not have sucked up a washcloth while vacuuming my closet...can't remember I am going to buy a new belt and should be good to go!

On Friday,  I went here with some coworkers.
It's called Urban Eatz just in case you can't read the sign. The place was packed. We could not find a place to sit down! I had the turkey sandwich...and it was....a turkey sandwich. The bread was pretty good though. My coworker had some pizza. She let me try some of it and it was SO GOOD! She had some sort of chicken pizza...and it was delicious. Overall, I would recommend this place.

I spoke in church today. That always stresses me out! haha. I am grateful for the opportunity, however, to do some extra studying on things that I need to improve in my life.

Well, I hope all you readers are doing well. I don't know who you are...probably just my mom...but that's ok...I hope that life is treating you well and I would love to hear from you sometime!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Clean floors no more.

See this little guy here...

...May I suggest to you that you never buy it. Now, I know you are dying to know why. Well, my friends, you will get to use it approximately 3.29659 times before it breaks. grrr. Does anybody know how to fix a vacuum cleaner?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Changing it up!

I normally don't post anything too personal on this blog, so here is a little change.

Colossians 3:12-13

"Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye."

"Each of us is a son or daughter or God, endowed with something of his divine nature. Each is an individual entitled to expression and cultivation of individual talents and deserving of forbearance, of patience, of understanding, of courtesy, of thoughtful consideration." - Stand a Little Taller

I am working on this right now, and it's hard, dang it!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How about some dinner with that ranch?

I had great ambitions for actually cook dinner. This does not happen too often. I made dinner...and it was awful. I cooked two different things and ended up dumping ranch on both of them to make them taste good...or like ranch. I would tell you what I made, but you might actually throw up when you find out that I put ranch on these things. Am I still in college? Well, I definitely still cook like I am...or worse. I think it's worse. I'm getting worse as time goes on. Please pray for my future family....

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snowy, Snowy Dallas.

Some unusual weather has hit Dallas as of late. On Tuesday night we had this massive ice storm. I could hear it pelting my window all night, but the real fun came when I had to leave for work the next morning. You see, my friends, I do not have an ice scraper. I bought this car in October and immediately moved to Texas. And well, you don't need to worry because it doesn't get cold in Texas. Somebody told me that...but I can't remember who....Anyways, I didn't have any method to remove the inch thick layer of ice that covered my car. I spent 45 minutes sitting in my car waiting for the ice to melt...You see, I couldn't leave my car running while I was inside because I am afraid that someone will steal my wicked rad car....So there I sat. NOBODY, I mean nobody, was on the roads that morning, so the drive wasn't too bad. Nothing that couldn't be handled. I think the entire state of Texas took the day off of work...(The grass wasn't even covered with the 'snow' that we got). This entire week at work has been very sparse. In fact, out of the 9,000 people that work at the great and spacious building that is Blue Cross Blue Shield, I think only the actuaries showed up...and not even all of us at that. By the way, if you don't know what an actuary is, you should google it. Back to my story, it snowed another 6ish inches last night. This didn't go too well with the layer of ice underneath it. The commute was the worst this morning, seeing how I don't think a single plow exists in the state of TX (kidding, the news said there were 30 plows out. seriously? 30 plows....Only NYC, LA, and Chicago are bigger than you and you only have 30 plows out? haha) BUT it's the weekend, and I don't have to deal with the commute for two whole days! This is glorious. Oh Texas, you are great. If I were still in school, I would of have four days off! How awesome is that?!? Well folks, I just got home from work, gah!. It's 10:30. I'm outta here.