Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Hello, my fine friends. Merry Christmas!!!! I hope you are all getting excited Christmas; I know I am super excited to go home.

The other day while perusing the internet, I stumbled upon this quote:

"What if you woke up only with the things you thanked God for yesterday?"

Holy. Smokes. This has really made me I being as grateful as I should be? Honestly, I am given so much....why am I so dang ungrateful. At the same time, I am happy that I read this...I want to be grateful.

Switching gears....

A Facebook Friend posted this, and it's pretty cool. Ok, so not everything is completely correct; but isn't the church just great?!?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gym or No Gym???!?!

So I am thinking about joining a gym! Ok, it's only out of necessity. Since moving, I no longer have an apartment gym to exercise at or nice sidewalks to go run on (or a safe place to run after dark...because that's the only time I'm dark...) I pretty much have two options, (ok three options, but my work gym is OUT OF THE QUESTION...I'm not going to get all sweaty in front of co-workers...nope...not going to) LA Fitness or 24 Hour Fitness. Now to make the decision, I'm sick of making those...decisions....

This was a pretty exciting blog post, I know.