my family...why? Because they are just awesome. Every single one of them is awesome. Wendy, you're not in this picture, but you're awesome too.
my friends...I have been blessed with so many great many of them have made sure that this transition to Texas has been a smooth one.
the's such a blessing in my life. I am so lucky.
the scriptures
my job...I didn't have one for a while, how did I ever get this one?!?
MINIATURE Reese's Peanut Butter Cups...the way to my heart...seriously.
cell I can keep in contact with all of you!
the people in the elevator who smile each morning at work.
BYU...such a great experience....made so many friends and learned a lot about living life. It was time to move on, but it will always have a place in my heart.
Living in America
the beach
Homegrown Tomatoes
The Trash Man....seriously, who wants to do his job?
The Piano...I LOVE IT! This is my dream piano. Some day...some day.
Delicious Salsa
Good Wholesome Books...I seriously hate it when you start reading a book and have to stop because it gets inappropriate. Come on people!
Electricity and running water....I would not have been a good pioneer. They are my heroes.
My testimony of Jesus Christ
My health
Fresh Fruit...ok, these beat out Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.Air Conditioning!
Colorado Sunsets....there is nothing like them.
Answered prayers
The ability to see
Diversity....I saw a Buddhist Monk in Walmart the other day. How cool is that?
Hot showers
All the Awesome people I've met in my life....
There are many more things I am grateful for; this is just a start.
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