Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Keep Austin Weird

 So my parents made the trip down to Austin this past weekend. It was a very eventful plane ride for them, as their plane was struck by lightning in the air. There ended up being a hole in the plane! BUT!!! they made it safely, and for that I am glad. I made the drive down to Austin to see them as well as my bro and sister in law. We braved the humidity, and boy howdy it was bad! We went to the Texas History Museum. I must say, I feel a bit more Texan...scratch that...I will never be Texan. We went to the botanical gardens later in the afternoon. Just some advice, don't go in the middle of the afternoon when it's 90 degrees outside and 95% humidity. It suddenly isn't as enjoyable. Take that for what it's worth.

 Here is a picture of downtown Austin from the botanical gardens.
 Here is a pretty pink flower.
 Here is a nasty lizard. I would jump EVERY SINGLE TIME I saw one. Yes, I am a wimp, and they were everywhere. Hey, at least I was entertaining for everyone else!

Here is a picture of yet another lizard.  I am sorry, but I get grossed out even looking at these pictures....let's move on.
We also went to the Lindon B. Johnson Library...sorry, no pictures....not my strong point. I enjoyed spending time with my family. As always, it was hard saying goodbye, but I hope to see them soon.

In other news, life has slowed down a bunch since my exam. I am not sure what to do with myself after work. I have been spending more time reading, hanging out with friends, talking on the phone, etc. I would like to say that I am becoming a better cook, but I want to be honest, and well, that would be a BIG FAT LIE! Here is one thing I am ok at making:

This is the first batch of cinnamon rolls/rolls I made with my new Kitchenaide...If you ever want cinnamon rolls, let me know!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Day of Doom...

Today was the day. I took my third actuarial exam today and that is the reason I have been MIA from this blog in the past few weeks. I unfortunately ran out of time on the test and had to guess on some of the questions...ok, more than I would have liked. Oh well, I am glad the test is over. No more 12 hour days at work studying, plus hours and hours outside of least for a few weeks anyway until it all starts up again. NO MORE FEELING LIKE A ROBOT! No more feeling like I am at the starting line of a heart feeling like something has got a hold on it at all times. I am relieved. I am excited for a little break. I had plans to go shopping, or get my eyes checked (because I cannot see anything!), or clean my entire apartment after the exam, but I have been quite content to veg. I did get my apartment cleaned up, but that's about it. I will do better, be better tomorrow.

I would just like to take a moment to thank EVERYONE who has supported me in taking this test. The countless phone calls and texts sent to me (especially today!) encouraging me and supporting me in this desire of mine. Thank you for your support. Also, thank you Jonathan and Wendy for the free trial of Netflix (I activated it today, and it has allowed me to relax a little).

Peace out.