Friday, November 26, 2010


I am grateful for....
     my family...why? Because they are just awesome. Every single one of them is awesome. Wendy, you're not in this picture, but you're awesome too.

      my friends...I have been blessed with so many great many of them have made sure that this transition to Texas has been a smooth one.
      the's such a blessing in my life. I am so lucky.
      the scriptures
      my job...I didn't have one for a while, how did I ever get this one?!?
      MINIATURE Reese's Peanut Butter Cups...the way to my heart...seriously.
     cell I can keep in contact with all of you!
     the people in the elevator who smile each morning at work.
     BYU...such a great experience....made so many friends and learned a lot about living life. It was time to move on, but it will always have a place in my heart.
    Living in America
     the beach
     Homegrown Tomatoes 
   The Trash Man....seriously, who wants to do his job?
     The Piano...I LOVE IT! This is my dream piano. Some day...some day.
     Delicious Salsa
     Good Wholesome Books...I seriously hate it when you start reading a book and have to stop because it gets inappropriate. Come on people!
     Electricity and running water....I would not have been a good pioneer. They are my heroes.
      My testimony of Jesus Christ
      My health
      Fresh Fruit...ok, these beat out Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
      Air Conditioning!
     Colorado Sunsets....there is nothing like them.

     Answered prayers
     The ability to see
     Diversity....I saw a Buddhist Monk in Walmart the other day. How cool is that?
      Hot showers
    All the Awesome people I've met in my life....
       There are many more things I am grateful for; this is just a start.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


QUICK POST! Here is my new dining room! I promise the table doesn't look like a cheap picnic table in real life....ok maybe it does a little, but it'll work for now. Many thanks to a friend who helped me build this...ok, he put them together and I watched.  I did, however, lift the table and chairs up the stairs of my apartment complex all by myself. I was really proud. It was really heavy.

"God expects you to have enough faith and determination and enough trust in Him to keep moving, keep living, keep rejoicing. In fact, He expects you not simply to face the future (that sounds pretty grim and stoic); He expects you to embrace and shape the future--to love it and rejoice in it and delight in your opportunities.

God is anxiously waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can't if you don't pray, and He can't if you don't dream. In short, He can't if you don't believe."
Jeffrey R. Holland

Unleashing the Dormant Spirit

From F. Enzio Busche's BYU Devotional Address on May 14, 1996 called Unleashing the Dormant Spirit. I love this. Have a great day!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My First Week

I finally have internet so I can blog once again! I know you missed me...probably not...but let's pretend. I started work this week at this big shiny building.
It seriously blinds me everyday when I drive into work. Monday was pretty laid back because I spent almost the entire day with HR going over benefits, PTO, and reviewing just how AWESOME Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas really is. At the end of the day I got to go up and meet my boss and some of my coworkers. Tuesday I spent the first half of the day doing HIPAA training, and then the real fun began. I spent the rest of the week learning stuff about my job. If you want the details, let's talk. It hit me this week that I moved 1,000 miles away from ANYONE I know. What was I thinking? No, this is actually a good thing and I feel good about being here. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity. It'll take some time before I feel like I fit in and like this is my home.

Jonathan and Wendy gave me a gift card for my birthday...WAY back in September. Thank you Jonathan and Wendy! You guys are awesome! I decided to spend it today. This is what I bought!
Awesome, right? Dare I say YES!!!!! I think so. It can also double as a place to sit...I don't even have a chair. Please imagine me eating my breakfast while sitting on this. :)  I also bought some Christmas music, but I shall refrain from telling you who the artists are in fear of you making fun of me....because I know you will! Now off to sculpt awesome abs and fabulous arms while listening to mass-produced Christmas music.

Friday, November 5, 2010

All Moved In.

I moved into my apartment today. This is great! I am so grateful for my grandpa, Grant, and especially my mom for all the help they have given me. Here are pictures of my apartment!

Here is a picture of my living room. Yes, I am completely unpacked!

Here is the living room from the other direction.
Here is the kitchen.

Here is the dining room.
Here is the closet with all my clothes.
Finally, here is the bathroom.
That is all.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm Here!

This past week has been very busy and packed FULL. There are so many little things to do when you move 900 miles away! Here is a play-by-play of my week (because I know you REALLY care :) ).

Monday: I packed up my stuff. I had been working on gathering up all my stuff and moving it into the garage last week because I had a friend coming into town for the weekend. Monday I finished everything up and here is a picture of my empty room!

I know this is very sad and may evoke a few tears, so I will give you a moment to compose yourself.....hmmm.....k, ready?

Tuesday: I woke up at 3:45am. YES, 3:45!! I was just so excited. I finished packing the car and got ready for the day. We left Windsor at 5:00am. The drive was pretty uneventful most of the way (which I am SO grateful for). I drove first to Hays, Kansas and then my mom took over. Here is a picture of Kansas.

Awesome, right? I know. My intent was to take a few pictures along the way to document this I took one more picture. Be impressed. Here is a picture of us arriving in Oklahoma. It is a picture of the welcome to Oklahoma sign. You can't read it at all. Just pretend you know what you are looking at.

Dear Oklahoma, your signs aren't that big. How is anybody supposed to know they are entering the great state of Oklahoma. Who knows.

Moving on, we hit a little bit of traffic in Oklahoma City and a lot of rain about an hour north of Dallas that slowed us down a lot. I decided that Texans don't know how to drive in the rain...and every Texan told us that the next day! The trip ended up taking 15 hours....15 hours! Next time I am either taking 287 (I think that's the road) or flying! We made it though and everything is great.

Wednesday: Apartment shopping was the purpose of Wednesday. My mom and I set out on a hunt for a one bedroom apartment that is in a safe neighborhood. I had a list of places I wanted to look at from my at home internet apartment shopping. We went to so many apartments. We saw some we liked...and some we were afraid for our lives. We came home (back to the hotel) totally exhausted and with a few options that would work.

Thursday: By Thursday morning, I had narrowed my search to three apartments. One apartment was up in Plano. It was really, REALLY tiny, but it had a washer and dryer already in it. AWESOME! It was priced nicely, but was kind of a drive to get to work. The next apartment was in Richardson and was about 3.5 miles from work. AWESOME!! It was priced ok, but felt like a dungeon. There was no natural light AT ALL. One of my biggest concerns about moving here is getting really lonely, and I didn't want the lack of sunlight to help me get there. :) The last apartment was in Garland. It was also about 3.5 miles from work. It was super bright, but it was expensive...or at least more money than I wanted to spend.

I went to the second apartment, and they said they had a different, cheaper apartment. I went to go see it, and it was super bright!!! Hooray! Best day ever. I decided right then to rent it out. I applied for the apartment and was ready to sign the lease. All I had to do was get an electricity account in my name and renter's insurance. Easy right? Well, it took me 4 hours to get the's such a long story that I'm not going to write it. You have to call me to get the details, and you should call me. I would LOVE to talk to you to see how you are doing! Anyway, I have a place. I'll post more pictures once I actually get to move in. 

This post ended up being a lot longer than it should have, and for that I apologize. I also would like to congratulate you for reading this far. Good job! Well done. You are a very dedicated reader. Please come visit me. :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Howdy, Y'all.

I am moving from here

to here
TOMORROW! Waffles anyone?