Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! I love fall. I love all the leaves on the ground. I love crunching the leaves as I walk home from school each day. I love the smell of pumpkin spices. I recently had the opportunity to make a pumpkin pie from scratch. The pie was so delicious. I am not a huge fan of Halloween, but it gets me so excited for Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving. I love spending time with my family and friends. I love eating so much I feel like I will pop. I have no idea where I will go for Thanksgiving this year or if I will get to see any family at all, but that is ok. I may get to make my very own Thanksgiving dinner this year. Of course it will not be as fancy as my mom's Thanksgiving, but it will still be good. I think I want to do a non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner. I don't want to try to imitate my mom's cooking and then be disappointed. Maybe I'll make pizza, or lasagna, or teriyaki chicken.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Buy Someone a Coke

Last week, my professor introduced the assignment of "buying someone a coke." In this assignment, we had to buy a stranger something. I had to think about what I was going to do because this is completely out of character for me. After paying for some of the meal for the person behind me in the Taco Bell drive-thru, it made me think how this person felt. Since I don't know the person who was behind me, I am going to assume that they appreciated it. I know I would if that happened to me. I hope that they felt good about someone doing something nice for them. I also hope that they maybe they passed on the good deed; a.k.a. "paid it forward."
It makes me wonder if they thought about who the person was who paid for their meal was. Maybe they thought I saw them in my rear view mirror and fell totally in love with them; this is Provo, after all. Maybe they thought I was looking to lift myself up and to make myself a better person. You never know.

Friday, October 23, 2009


This week marks the half way point of the semester. I do not think words can describe how happy this makes me. This semester seems to have been going slower than normal. I have no idea why. Roommates, school, and work have all seemed to bog me down. But let's look on the bright side, only eight weeks until Christmas vacation. I don't really believe in wishing life away like this, so I guess I better stop. I should be enjoying myself. I am grateful to be in school, working on my education, and becoming well rounded. Sometimes it is just hard when every single day is exactly the same. I think I'm bored with the routine of school. I am trying to think of ways to change this, but school has chained me in and is forcing me to stay in Provo to complete hours upon hours of homework and studying. I know I am rambling. I am happy. I am just tired, and unfortunately this post may just be written as another assignment I have to complete. Next's weeks post will be better. I have to "buy someone a coke." :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Balloon Boy

You probably all have heard about this little boy who supposedly went flying in this weather balloon that his parents had made to teach their kids about weather only to be found hiding in his attic five hours later. This boy is from my hometown so I kept an eye on the story throughout the past week. It made local and national news, and the coverage is still continuing. The media is beginning to examine the family and trying to figure out if the balloon incident was a stunt or not.

In my opinion, who really cares? The boy is safe, right? If this really is a publicity stunt where the family wants to be famous, don't cover the story on national news. Don't give them the attention they want. Let the local law enforcement figure out the intentions of the family and charge them with the misdemeanor of false reporting and move on. The national media is playing their game.

There's my rant.

p.s. The boy's name is Falcon, that's really cool right?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fall is in the Air.

As the leaves begin to change and the season turns to fall, we begin to expect lower temperatures, snow, and big winter jackets. This year is no different. The leaves on the trees in the mountains are turning a brilliant shade of red and it seems to be cooler during the days. Earlier this week I had heard a weather report saying that there was a chance of snow on Wednesday. I was fully prepared for this. I got out my jacket Tuesday night and I planned my outfit for the following day. When I woke up on Wednesday morning, it was pouring. I decided that it would probably be best if I drove to school because I needed to look nice for the career fair and my job later that day. I grabbed my car keys and went up to campus. I was walking on the side of a road that is on campus, when a car was coming my way. Before I knew it, in slow motion, I could see a huge gush of water coming my way. All I could do was stand there and get completely soaked by gallons of water splashed on me by this car. The only thought that went through my head was Really? My plan to look nice and put together was thwarted. I was completely soaked. I quickly ran to my class and spent the rest of the day drying and freezing cold. Oh how I love fall.