Sunday, October 9, 2011


Ok people, so I know I normally write about things that probably don't matter much on this blog. Sometimes (always) I am a bit goofy,  but hey, that's me. Now, it is time to write about something more serious, something close to my heart.

Please let me begin with a little background....

When I was born, my dear mother made me a little receiving blanket (By the way, my mom is awesome at making quilts. She even had a quilting business for a few years. Just thought I'd take a moment to brag about her, just so you know.). This little blanket was made out of tricot fabric (I had to look up how to spell tricot; definitely not said how it is spelled!). I LOVED IT! I was not a baby who was attached to a blankie and had to take it everywhere, but I definitely loved to sleep with it and play on it. (Ok, that may be a lie. I can't quite remember this time in my life, so I am going to say that because I am pretty sure that is how it went down.)

Fast forward a few years. I grew, and my blanket did not. I was two or three years old (can't quite remember my age). So for Christmas, Santa Claus brought me a brand new blanket, lovingly known as my silkie (This describes how the blanket felt just in case you are not familiar with tricot fabric.). I remember getting this as a gift and diving into it the moment I opened the box. It was SO BIG!!! Ok, it was made to fit on a twin size bed, but Jonathan (my older brother) had to carry it up the stairs for me because it was SOOO heavy. I remember the exertion required to heft that baby around.

Fast forward a few more years. I am 24. 24! Since when did I get old??? And I have slept with that blanket every night since then. This blanket moved from Idaho to Colorado, back and forth to Utah while I was in college, and then made its way to Dallas with me now. I even took it on trips with me if there was room. :) But to finally get to the point of my story, my blanket is now dying. The batting in the blanket has nearly disappeared. You can see through the blanket. What is left of the batting is leaking out of the seams that are now ripped. I have been finding little pieces of batting around my apartment. This death is eminent and quickly approaching.

I don't know if I should be embarrassed about this picture or not, but I do think it's quite funny. I promise I did not pull any of this batting in any way.

I've been looking at the other blankets around my apartment; there will never be a replacement. What am I going to do? I don't really like blankets because they are too hot. Maybe I'll start sleeping under my sheets?

I can see why Michael Jackson named his son Blanket; so precious. (Ok, I am really just kidding here.)


Thank you for taking the time to mourn with me as I lament the loss of my dear blanket.

Ok, I'm done being dramatic. I really will live.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hey There!

Well folks, I know it has been a while. Hey, I have been busy, and so have it works out...right? :)

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, there is not much  to update on my life. I have been pretty occupied working, studying, and trying to be do better at my calling at church. As part of continuing education post-college, I am taking actuarial exams! Oh yeah, baby! Ok, so if I had the choice, I wouldn't make myself sick over them if I didn't have to, but such is life and I do see some benefits from taking them. I am having to develop more discipline. I have to choose between what I want to do and what I need to do all the time.  And let me tell you, I want to pass these bad boys badly! The exam I am currently studying for is MFE, and I take it November 15th. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This weekend I had the opportunity to listen to General Conference. It is always so refreshing and uplifting. I love it. If you would like to know more about General Conference and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please click here. Last year during the October General Conference, I missed the last session to fly out to Dallas to interview for this one job. CRAZY how many things have changed in my life over the past year. It has been kind of cool to reflect upon those things this weekend.

Sorry for the boring post; I must just be a boring person....KIDDING...only kidding, my friends. sheesh. ;)